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1168 – Sunday Reading | The Foxclaw Post
Sunday is the day I usually choose to set aside to get lost in reading. I used to fall asleep trying to do this but now, it's wonderful to get lost in a book and imagine of living a different life! A fantastical one or just enjoy learning about others lives and how they came… items should be in the Roped Passions store now.
#secondlife #RopedPassions #ChakraSet #FLOURISHEvent #BelladonnadelaSombra #NightshadeEvent #GlamAffairSL #NyxZhara #alienskin #fantasyskin #virtualhomeandgarden #virtualhomedecor #SLEvents #virtuallife #secondlifeblogs
1164 – In a Zen Kinda Mood, and then if you are not… | The Foxclaw Post
After such a stressful week last week, I am sure in need of a Zen moment! A time to focus on me, my state of mind, or to calm my state of mind, with nothing else interfering. And this is what I imagine when I do take the time for a time out for me…
#secondlife #RopedPassions #bookcase #FLOURISHEvent #torturerack #GameOver #SecondLifeLiving #TheBeardedGuy #furniture #SLLivingRoom #IHeartSLFeed #SLEvents #secondlifeblogs
1151 – From Torture to Cozy Living | The Foxclaw Post
What an amazing transformation! This previously was a torture rack and now it's a living room piece that holds all your precious things on display for all your guests to enjoy! A repurposing dream! I mean what else could we do with this torture rack once it's original purpose is no longer ..
#secondlife #nope #creepy #dark #goth #RopedPassions #GlamAffairSL #C88 #Petrichor #monso #TheBeardedGuy #IHeartSLFeed #eBodyReborn #LelutkaEvoX #AVALON #virtualgirls #virtualfashion #secondlifeblogs #SLEvents
Pick these up in the stores now!