#secondlife #FluffyKreations #SLChristmasEXPO #furry #RYL #SENSE #Abnormality #NightBlade #ARKAYDE #Osin #Bosewicht #SmokingPigeon #floro #Tardfish #ANIMA #Reborn #SLEvents #secondlifeblogs
1172 – REIN In The Woods | The Foxclaw Post
I took a walk in a place called The Endless Graveyard. And, of course, I would end up meeting a spirit being. I was just wandering and then suddenly it was there besides me. I think I stood there like a deer in the headlights at first. Since it didn't seem threatening or have mal…
#secondlife #Multifarious #furrymod #TEETHSL #Sadge #LunarCollar #YaYa #Abnormality #NightBlade #FensuneMagic #furry #humanalternative #LCDA #SLEvents #secondlifeblogs
#secondlife #Abnormality #NightBlade #MysticFox #VARALI #VERIDANT #Normandy #FensuneMagic #MeshEntity #furry #furrymods #furriesinSL #humanalternative #infinitedarkness #SLEvents #secondlifeblogs
1169 – Darkness Follows Me Here… | The Foxclaw Post
This place seems huge, darkness slinks around every corner, fog and mists hover over the dark waters and slither across the bridges. Sometimes so thick it is hard to see very far in front of me. That is just not the kind of environment I am used to. I hope my namesake actually works in…
#secondlife #Abnormality #NightBlade #EdenbyEve #IggySolp #TheBoldLlamaTshirtCo #Tshirts #furry #Furryparts #furries #hybrid #CHAKRAskin #FallenGodsInc #fantasyskin #TEETH #Petrichor #GirenEars #EvoXEars #GOTHCORE #secondlifeblogs
1167 – NightBlade is Coming Your Way! | The Foxclaw Post
Who says we have to stop with the Halloween stuff? Nobody! Many of the items coming up in the next Abnormality round will definitely fit in the spooky or dark category, and that means, they can be worn for Halloween too! If you are an overall spooky, gothic or just like the dark stuff, then…