#secondlife #Abnormality #NightBlade #MysticFox #VARALI #VERIDANT #Normandy #FensuneMagic #MeshEntity #furry #furrymods #furriesinSL #humanalternative #infinitedarkness #SLEvents #secondlifeblogs
1169 – Darkness Follows Me Here… | The Foxclaw Post
This place seems huge, darkness slinks around every corner, fog and mists hover over the dark waters and slither across the bridges. Sometimes so thick it is hard to see very far in front of me. That is just not the kind of environment I am used to. I hope my namesake actually works in…
#secondlife #Abnormality #TrickorTreatWeek #GHOSTEDSL #FAE #SangreDos #SLShopping #furry #furrymods #furries #SLEvents #beastly #nightmares #scary #spooky #Halloween #virtuallife #secondlifeblogs
1161 – Face Off! | The Foxclaw Post
This one is much smaller than it's current adversary, but it isn't afraid of anything it seems! And just as foreboding in features, or lack thereof! GHOSTED & FAE - SANGRE DOS --- FIGHT ME, I DARE YOU! This is the [GHOSTED / FAE] Sangre Dos. This is totally revamped and requires the ne..
This event is in it's last days and there is so much more to see! Make your way there to check it out! There are items for both furry and human avatars! Add to your roleplay or RP sim decor! And more!
#secondlife #AbnormalitySL #Badlands #ProjectMaehemIndustries #Cerberus #EVIL #BUFFYS #mochi #Salal #T24 #DevFox #WyldWynter #DirtyRat #MUMOO #bakesonmesh #eBodyReborn #furrygirls #furries #furrymods #secondlifebloggers
1145 – Refreshment? | The Foxclaw Post
Yes, we have plenty of refreshments! Come sit a spell and have one or two. Surprisingly, we found an abandoned unpillaged store full of them! The location of which shall remain our little secret! Hopefully, we can gather them all before others find it! It's great when you find a big stash durin..